Research: „Elemente der romanischen Tradition im Werk Peter Handkes: Traum, Mystik und Eros“; (eng.): „Elements of the Romance Tradition in Peter Handke’s Works: Dream, Eros and Mysticism“
The aim of this doctoral thesis is to reflect on the influence that the Romance tradition has had on the work of Peter Handke. One play and three novels were selected as the corpus of the thesis, all of which were analysed from a textual perspective and all of which displayed the influence of the mystical-medieval tradition in a particularly original way. The research will be divided into three macro-sections: the first macro-section will focus on the influence of the Grail-Parzival universe on Handke’s work, while the second will analyse the revival of the Latin hagiographic dimension. Finally, the third macro-topic will address the re-interpretation, through a modern lens, of the Spanish mystical tradition. In view of future studies regarding the influence of the Romance cultural dimension on Handke’s work, this dissertation intends to demonstrate how the chivalric-medieval tradition and the mystical tradition itself become, for the Austrian author, a tool used to re-interpret the present and his own biographical past in light of themes and elements apparently distant from the current times, yet still profoundly connected to them.
Produzione scientifica
11573/1701037 – 2024 –
Voci, versi, richiami. La Praga ‘magica’ di Ripellino
Pulimanti, Alessandro – 04h Atto di convegno in rivista scientifica o di classe A
rivista: ESAMIZDAT (Roma: Alessandro Catalano e Simone Guagnelli.) pp. 379-384 – issn: 1723-4042 – wos: (0) – scopus: (0)
congresso: „Angelo Maria Ripellino letto da giovani studiosi. Due tavole rotonde per il centenario“ (Roma; Italia)
11573/1656342 – 2022 –
“denk an Pasolinis »verzweifelte Leere von Casarsa«”: Considerations on the Influence of Spanish Mysticism and of Pasolini’s »Friulian« Poems on Peter Handke’s ‚Noch einmal für Thukydides‘ and ‚Versuch über die Jukebox‘
Pulimanti, Alessandro – 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: ACADEMIC JOURNAL OF MODERN PHILOLOGY (Wrocław: Oddział Polskiej Akademii Nauk we Wrocławiu) pp. 267-278 – issn: 2299-7164 – wos: WOS:000918096700021 (0) – scopus: (0)
11573/1689591 – 2022 –
«Chissà se in terra straniera una stella sa chi sono…». La neve, la fatagione, il ruolo iniziatico. Riflessioni sull’influenza trobadorica nell’opera di Peter Handke
Pulimanti, Alessandro – 01a Articolo in rivista
rivista: QUADERNI DI FILOLOGIA ROMANZA DELLA FACOLTÀ DI LETTERE E FILOSOFIA DELL’UNIVERSITÀ DI BOLOGNA (Pàtron editore S.r.l. via Badini 12 – 40050 Quarto Inferiore – Bologna tel. 051 767003 – fax 051 768252) pp. 149-176 – issn: 1722-7097 – wos: (0) – scopus: (0)
11573/1605016 – 2021 –
‚Il cavaliere dei cavalieri‘: Il ruolo di Parzival nel teatro di Peter Handke. Riflessioni su un esempio moderno di ‚Vaterloser‘
Pulimanti, Alessandro – 04b Atto di convegno in volume
congresso: Letteratura e altri mondi: Generi, politica, società (Bologna; Università degli Studi „Alma Mater“)
libro: Letteratura e altri mondi: Generi, politica, società – (9788854970663)