Alessandro Pulimanti

phone: 3314639348
building: Marco Polo; Circonvallazione tiburtina 4, 00185, Roma
room: 205

tutor: prof. Gabriele Guerra
co-advisor: prof. Manfred Weinberg

Alessandro Pulimanti is a Ph.D. student in “Germanic and Slavic Studies” (“La Sapienza”, University of Rome; “Charles University” in Prague).

He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in “Languages, Cultures, Literature, Translation” (La Sapienza) in 2016 with a thesis concerning a correlation between the concept of “dream” in Ancient Greek literature and in the contemporary Austrian one, with the title: “Il sogno nella letteratura tedesca contemporanea: Il caso Handke”; supervisor: Antonella Gargano.
He earned his master degree in “Linguistic, Literary and Translation Studies” (La Sapienza) in 2019 with a thesis investigating the presence of courtly Franco-Provençal literature in modern and contemporary German production. The title was: “Traditio medievale e scrittura poetica tedesca tra Otto e Novecento: Il sogno” (supervisor: Camilla Miglio; co-supervisor: Paolo Canettieri).

His present Ph.D. project researches the influence of Old French and Old Occitan lyric poetry on contemporary German-language production, focusing on Peter Handke’s novels and plays.
To take on his studies, he proposes an approach that embraces a comparative method, taking into consideration the philological and linguistic fields together with the literary and cultural one. He will also include ethno-anthropological studies centred on myth and folklore.

Pulimanti, A. (2018), “Ninna nanna: Critica di traduzione di Chanson douce di Leïla Slimani”, in Atlante digitale del ‘900 letterario,
