email: luca.baruffa@uniroma1.it
building: Marco Polo
room: 205
tutor: prof. Camilla Miglio
co-tutor: prof. Václav Petrbok
Research: A „Close-Reading“ Digitalization of Literature. Reading, Analysis, Conceptualization and Visualization of the Brothers Grimm’s CosmosLuca Baruffa graduated from the University of Rome „La Sapienza“ in 2018 with a Bachelor’s degree in Modern Languages and Literature. His Bachelor’s thesis focuses on the analysis and translation of the brothers Grimm’s “Deutsche Sagen”, with particular emphasis on the case of Friulian ‚benandantism‘ as related to the wider phenomenon of witchcraft, especially in the Germanic area. In 2020, he earned his Master’s degree in Linguistic, Literary and Translation Studies from the same University with a thesis on Hans Blüher’s ‘Männerheld’, investigating the historical, cultural and literary framework that encompasses the issues of gender and sexual identity in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Germany. Currently, he is a PhD student in “Germanic and Slavic Studies” (curriculum of “Germanic Studies”; c/PON “Research and Innovation”) at Sapienza University of Rome, where he’s exploring the relationship between humanities and computer studies. His research project aims to read, analyze, conceptualize, and visualize large areas of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm’s philological and literary cosmos with the help of digital tools, pursuing goals of cultural, literary, and didactic nature.